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IMPROVING COMMUNICATION The lack of communication between the police and the community has always been a problem. Now the village bobby is a thing of the past other methods of providing useful information to the public on what is happening have to be found. Many police officers have used their own initiative and developed newsletters; however these are fragmented across the County and, by their nature, can only provide generalised information, or details of crimes some way in the past. The County Neighbourhood Watch Association is working in partnership with the police to try and find better ways of communicating.  A voice messaging system was being investigated which would have provided all NHW Scheme Co-ordinators in the County with up-to-date information some of which would cover ‘immediate action requirements’ like “look for stolen car WZ 123 ABC” or “ the police helicopter is over --- searching for 3 youths. Please look out for them”. However the procurement of this system is on hold pending the outcome of the county amalgamation discussions.  A website ( is being constantly improved and already contains newsletter articles and general crime prevention information. Other avenues are being explored to try and ensure better 2-way communication between the Community and the police results.

If you are interested in supporting Neighbourhood Watch,please E-mail or phone 01380 720550.

contact : Dave colledge
Tel : 01380 720550
Email :
Web : view the web site

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