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Malmesbury and Villages Community Plan

A picture for Malmesbury-and-Villages-Community-Area-Partnership

In 2000, the government placed a responsibility on loca authorities to find ways of engaging more closley with the communities they exsist to serve. The Councils across Wiltshire have developed a strategy called "A County fit for our children". A community plan forms a fundamental part of this new initiative. The main emphasis is on developing a partnership approach to local governance and of finding ways to use local government resources in a more cost effective manner.

Community plans are also an attempt to stimulate and broaden the current local government consultation processes.

We all vey much welcome this new initative and strongly commend it to you. Do please find the time to read this plan and to see what is going on. Hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised.

contact : Miranda Gilmour
Tel : 01249 706380
Email :