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What is the Community Plan? Communuity Planning has become increasingly important within Local Government, as a valuable method of enabling local people to influence the services that will be provided for them. The Plan has been produced through collaboration between local residents and representatives of public, voluntary and private sector organisations and businesses. The Aim is to involve the quality of life for all who live, work or visit the community area.

Wide consultation has been carried out, and identified the main needs and aspirations of the community. The findings have been grouped together under specific headings or themes, which the County and District partnerships have used in their community strategies.

The plan seeks to influence and inform local authorities and service providers about the priorities for people in the Chippenham Community Area. The plan has been produced by the Chippenham Area Community Forum. The Forum comprises volunteers from the community, together with representatives from Parish, Town, District and County Councils, and major service providers. Please click 'view website' below to go to our comprehensive site

contact : Victoria Welsh
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