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Wiltshire Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum Terms of Reference Aims To facilitate the contribution of the voluntary and community sector on the Children and Young People Trust Board, C&YPTB. Objectives Representation and influence on the C&YPTB. To facilitate effective communication and information sharing amongst members of the C&YPTB. To ensure the voluntary and community sector can engage in the commissioning strategy and process. To be sufficiently well informed to scrutinise and question strategies relevant to the delivery of services for children, young people and families. To develop agreed core values for the delivery of services, promoting continual improvements in the standards of care / service. Membership Membership is open to all voluntary and community organisations providing child, young person and family support in Wiltshire. Attendance by statutory sector organisations is on an invitation basis to update, inform and consult members on national and local strategic developments and to exchange information on good practice and service development. Meeting structure The Chair will be elected by the meeting and serve for three years. The Chair position will be elected by the membership in September, when re-election is due. The Vice Chair will be elected, by the meeting, when the Chair cannot attend. The person will not be on the C&YPTB. Representatives on the C&YPTB will be elected annually by the membership for a maximum period of 2 years. Meetings of the C&FVSF will be held at least four times per year. Agenda and supporting documents will be prepared by VAK and issued at least 4 working days in advance. Terms of Reference The terms of reference will be reviewed annually C&FVSF Development Worker A Development Worker will be appointed and based at VAK upto March 08. The Development Worker will be the point of contact for the Forum. The Development Worker will undertake research and provide information to the C&YPTB Voluntary Sector Reps. The Development Worker will establish and maintain a network of links with groups working in the children, young people and family support sector. The Development Worker will engage with groups working with children, young people or families to ensure there views are included even if they are unable to attend meetings. April 06 Adopted by the C&FVSF Review April 07
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