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Last Updated 31 October 2010 15:59
These photos give a better idea of how the hall looks.
Main Hall
This shows the hall looking towards the stage.
Main Hall
Another view of the hall showing more of the left wall.
The large notice board near the stage belongs to the scouts/beaver group
View from the stage
This shows the hall from beside the stage. The two serving hatches are shown. An emergency exit is beside the piano, covering in the far left corner.
CVH Kitchen
This shows a view of the kitchen from a serving hatch. Out of the picture, to the left, is a large pantry containing the necessary crockery/cutlery for meals.
View of front from Fire Door
This shows the spacious hardstanding in front of the entrance.
The space at the top of the slope is for a disabled car owner.
Another view of the car park
Taken on cold frosty morning under a clear blue sky - but with long shadows from the trees opposite.