Notes from the meeting of Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council, 30th September 2008
Apologies were received from Cllr Smith and Mrs Norton (Clerk). The meeting was chaired by Cllr Juniper.
The Pond replanting scheme has received a grant from NWDC, which the Council agreed to match. Water plants have been offered by two parishioners and the work should start this autumn.
Work is currently in progress on the War memorial and should son be completed.
The public toilets are now signed over to the Parish Council and tenders are awaited for improvements necessary before reopening them in the spring of 2009.
Although the speed signs on the A420, at the Biddestone and Yatton Keynell crossroads, are now in place, they do not appear to be working properly. Our District councillor, Mrs Jane Scott, is looking into this and payment has been delayed for the moment.
Both felling a tree at Weavern House and development of the roof space at Field House have been approved by NWDC. The Council has objected to revised plans for the house being erected off Cuttle Lane.
We are hopeful that a Neighbourhood Watch coordinator has been found.
Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service are offering free check for domestic smoke alarms etc.
The next meeting will be on 28th October after the Open Meeting.
Mary Mullens
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