Apologies were received from Cllr. Stafford.
The Parish Councils most affected by the Biddestone- Yatton Keynell junction with the A420 have all agreed to contribute to the cost of flashing warning signs on the main road. Erection of these is regarded as urgent.
The new notice board on The Green is primarily for council and official notices although small private ads and notices of events can be displayed of space permits. The board near the cemetery will be replaced. The board currently in Slaughterford is considered adequate.
An application for listed building consent has been made to renovate the war memorial. It is hoped that the work will be carried out during the summer.
Following our success last year, Biddestone has again entered the Best kept Village Competition. The annual clean-up is planned for 17-18th May.
Parishioners and councillors met Cllr. Scott (NWDC and WCC) and Highways to discuss speeding through the village, especially approaching the Biddestone Arms from Corsham. Highways agreed to produce some proposals, hopefully in time for discussion at the Spring Open Meeting (May 27th). Concern at the slow rate of repair of potholes was notes, particularly around Slaughterford where damage has been caused to cars.
Planning permission to enlarge Glebe Cottage and for an extension at Weavern Barn has been granted by NWDC. The Parish Council had no objections to repositioning of the greenhouse at Summerfields (Cllr. Boor declared an interest) and to removal of the willow tree at Willowbrook (this was regretted but considered necessary). The council also supported in principle the proposal to relocate the riding school. A site meeting to discuss parking in Weavern Lane has been arranged.
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 29th April.
Tim Smith
(01249 714455)
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