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Six members of the council were present (Apologies received from T. Smith; G.Stafford and J.Scott (NWDC). The two seats for the Green have not arrived yet, Mr. Robert Hibberd will be reminded that they were required for this month. The meeting with NWDC, about the proposed closure of the public Toilets, has been postponed and there is hope that they may be reprieved. The main road through the village has been resurfaced in patches, but completed rather badly. The Council approved a draft letter to go to English Heritage requesting formal ‘listing’ of the War Memorial, as it would then be eligible for funding for restoration and maintenance. The Emergency planning survey has been completed. It was reported that 2 Staddle stones had been stolen from outside Elm Farmhouse. At the request of the Village Hall committee, it was agreed to change the time of the Committee meetings to 7pm on the last Tuesday of the month, and see how it goes. The new Footbridge adjacent to the Rag Mill in Slaughterford, has been removed by whoever put it there in the first place. Planning: NWDC have approved the interior changes in 3 Harts Lane. The Committee approved the revised plans for a new dwelling on Land off Cuttle Lane by a large majority. The removal of the porch and erection of a canopy at 9 Cuttle Lane was approved. The blocking up of the inside of the garage of Twitten Bend and taking the space into the house, together with inside alterations, were approved. There was no objection to making the large listed barn at Mountjoy Farm into one dwelling in place of the two already holding planning permission. But there was definite objection to the new access proposed together with the new building proposed on the west end of the farmyard. NWDC will visit the site for the new extension of Skimpot, which did not have current planning permission. Permission was given for the Village Hall Committee to erect signs on the Green for major events. The owners of Elm Cottage asked if the willow tree on the edge of the pond could be pollarded as the fronds were getting into their roof. This was agreed. Reports. It was stated that the Committee is revisiting costs and overheads of the Village Hall and were actively marketing the Hall for evening and week- end lets. A website is being planned to show events already booked. There was an 84% response rate to the Parish Plan and the analysis is now being done. If anyone wishes to discuss problems with flytipping in the area, or any other issues of litter and the law, please contact Alison Butler on 01225 743482 or e-mail
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