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Parish Council Minutes January 2008

The first Parish Council meeting of the New Year was held on January 29th. Five members of the Council were present, together with two representatives of the police. A new notice board has been erected on The Green in Biddestone. This will allow full minutes of council meetings to be displayed as well as other official information. Private notices will be allowed but should adhere to the guidelines displayed on the board. The surplus notice board will be re-erected at Slaughterford.

The Council agreed to purchase a ‘log and plank’ bench to be placed by the pond, hopefully by Easter. Work on the war memorial will be carried out in the early summer. Parishioners will be asked to contribute to this. Renovation of the public toilets is expected to start shortly, prior to their reopening.

The Parish Steward has not been available for three months; consequently there is a long list of jobs needing attention. Our thanks to parishioners who cleared blocked drains etc., thereby reducing flooding on the roads, after the recent heavy rains.

The decision on the closure of Yatton Keynell Post Office is still awaited. The support for retaining it was overwhelming. Thanks to all those who wrote in support of its retention.

The Council has received written and verbal complaints regarding a dog that often appears out of control. This was discussed with the police, as were other areas of concern. It was agreed that a police surgery would be held in April.

The Council had no objections to: The proposed garage at Bramley Bank, Slaughterford Road; the change of plans at Weavern Barn to allow an extra bedroom; and the extension at Glebe Cottage. Consent has been granted after modifications for development of the barn at Mountjoy Farm; to building over the garage at Brook House; and to tree surgery at The School House. The proposal for a new conservatory at 4 The Bartons, Slaughterford was rejected by NWDC.
Tim Smith (01249 714455)

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