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Notes from the meeting of 27th
November 2007
Apologies were received from Cllrs.
Juniper and Short.
The application for funds to help with the cost of renovating the War Memorial has been submitted and the outcome will be known early in the New Year. A grant is also being sought to assist with planting, both in and around the pond, which it is planned to do in February assuming funds are available at that time. The aim is to increase the visual impact of the pond and improve biodiversity of both plants and animals. A second new seat will be installed by the pond in tome for visitors in the spring. The new notice board to go on the wall of The Close has been delivered and will be erected shortly. This is larger than the existing board and will allow space for Parish Council minutes to be displayed. The old board will be relocated to Slaughterford.
Cllr. Scott is to contact NWDC to ascertain the progress of the handover, and in particular for clarification on responsibility for carrying out renovations.
There has been no response since the meeting between Mr C Price (Highways) and Cllr. Juniper to discuss parking in the area of Turnpike Cottage. It was confirmed that Weavern Lane is an adopted road but has a low priority rating for resurfacing, the need for which has increased because of the heavy vehicles now using it. Kerbing and resurfacing is to be carried out in the Skimpot Cottage area- a request has been made for this to extend right round the bends in both directions.
Five proposals were discussed:
Objections were lodged regarding the
proposed two units in the barn at
Mountjoy Farm; these related to the new
garage block and loss of privacy to
neighbouring gardens from the unit
nearer the Church 1 (Cllr. Boor
declared an interest). There were no
objections to replacing the
conservatory at 4 The Bartons, but the
proposed fence was objected to (Cllr.
Butler declared an interest).
Electrification of the gates off
Chippenham Lane into The Manor was
accepted, as was surgery to a lime tree
at The School. After discussion, the
council decided to take no action
regarding the appeal concerning The Old
Rectory. Proposals for the new house
off Cuttle Lane, to build a garage and
games room at 4 Slaughterford Road and
for extra cricket nets at the sports
field have been passed by NWDC.
Ways of improving dissemination of
planning information are being
The Local Development
Framework document has been received
and circulated.
Next Meeting
Tuesday, 29th January 2008
Tim Smith
(01249 714455)