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Notes 28th August 2007
Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish
Cllrs congratulated the Parish Steward
for work done in the village prior to
the best kept village
Work is to go ahead to seal the
spillway leak in the pond. The grant
application for restoration of the War
Memorial will be submitted in October.
Mr. Gregory of WCC has been asked to
address the public meeting in October
regarding the new Wiltshire Unitary
Authority. The NWDC proposal for the
toilets to be taken over by the Parish
Council was approved in principle and a
further meeting requested. The need
for a new larger village notice board
was agreed.
No objections were raised to the
following planning applications.
4 Commercial Units at the Sawmills-
Renewal of permission already granted.
Glebe Cottage- Erection of carport.
Two new houses in the Tynings by
Westlea Housing. Change of use of
stables at The Close to Holiday Cottage
and garaging.
Further concern was raised regarding
the size of proposed car parking space
at Chimes Cottage and this was passed
to NWDC.
The application for the Old Rectory has
been refused by NWDC.
Deep concern was expressed following
the latest fatal accident at the A420
crossroads. A letter will be sent to
WCC and Police requesting urgent
consideration of Stop sign or even
traffic lights.
Ashley Juniper
(01249) 712707
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