Notes from the meeting of 29th April 2008
Apologies were received from Cllrs. Mullens, Short and Scott (NWDC).
A new seat has been placed by the pond. Dry weather has confirmed a leak, suspected last autumn, in the pond wall. It is intended to mend this when planting round the pond is carried out. Work has started in renovating the public toilets and on completion the Parish Council will take over responsibility for running them from NWDC.
Planning permission to relocate the greenhouse at Summerfields, Church Road and remove the willow tree at Willowbrook has been granted by NWDC. Decisions on relocating the riding school and resiting of proposed cricket nets together with change of use of land adjacent to the proposed site are awaited.
The Open Meeting will be on Tuesday 27th May. Following this it is hoped that representatives of the police will answer questions. We also discuss proposals for calming traffic through the village.
The next council meeting will be on Wednesday, 28th May.
Tim Smith
01249 714455)
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