Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council
Notes from the meeting of 29th July 2008
Apologies were received from Cllr. Stafford and Juniper.
Blue clay to mend the leak in the pond has been given by BIFFA. Funds are being sought to allow planting around the pond to be undertaken in the autumn. It is hoped that the final issues regarding the taking over by the Parish Council of the toilets will shortly be resolved allowing reopening later in the year.
Biddestone was unsuccessful in the CPRE best kept village competition this year. The judges were complimentary regarding public areas and the churchyard, but less so regarding other features, some within the control of the local community, others, such as overfull litter bins outside our control.
The retrospective application for change of use of The Sawmills in Challows Lane, which will provide a parking area for plant and machinery, has been granted. Machinery must be less than 4m in height and an agreed planting plan implemented later in the year.
Permission has also been granted to fell a yew tree at The Close. On inspection a tree at Mountjoy Farm was considered dangerous and an order made for its immediate removal.
Further amended plans regarding parking and turning at the riding school in Weavern Lane have been received. Illegal fixed no parking signs fixed to a wall in Harts Lane have been taken down.
Advice on filling the vacancy on the Parish Council is still awaited from NWDC. The Council is also seeking a representative governor for By Brook Primary School, a neighbourhood watch coordinator and a volunteer to manage the village website.
The next meeting will be on 26th August, 2008. Tim Smith (01249 714455)
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