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PC notes June 06

Notes from the Parish Council Meeting of 27th June 2006 Six members of the council were present (apologies received from K. Crawford, J. Jones, A. Short and J. Scott (NWDC)). Mr Steve Butler of Police Traffic Control was also present and answered questions (see below).

A number of issues concerning The Green were discussed (issues resolved since the meeting are included here): • The missing bench is to be replaced by one made locally by Mr Robert Hibberd. This will be of hardwood and a traditional design. • No comments have so far been received regarding the development of the Pond (see last Broadsheet). However, Mr Cripps, Of Lackham College will meet members of the Council (and others with an interest in conservation) at the Pond, at a date to be arranged in September, to discuss a regeneration programme, which could be implemented as a student project. • The Parish Council has received details of possible funding for maintenance of war memorials and are currently discussing with the Royal British Legion the work that is necessary to restore the memorial on the Green.

We are arranging a meeting with NWDC, regarding the public toilets, both to ensure that they remain open during the winter months and remain the responsibility of NWDC.

It has proved impossible to get a date from Highways for resurfacing of the road through the village, now in a dangerous state following the failure of last year’s surfacing exercise.

Estimates for repairing the playing field wall, damaged by the grass cutters, have now been submitted, with a request that the work be carried out urgently. Planning An application for a Courtyard extension, new doorway and internal changes at Home Place, The Green and internal alteration at 3 Harts Lane were supported by the Council. The proposed building site off Cuttle Lane was the subject of a site inspection before NWDC reached a decision (subsequently turned down (28/06)).

Funding for the Parish Plan has now reached the target due to a grant of £400 by NWDC. Discussions with Mr Steven Butler Parking, especially in Cuttle Lane and around the Church Road/Parkers farm entrance areas was discussed. Mr Butler explained that because something was considered a hazard, it was not necessarily illegal and, therefore, the police could take no action. Parking distances from corners were a grey area. A pavement would be regarded as blocked if a parked vehicle did not leave room for a child’s pushchair to get past (the pavement must be a defined area). However, if an accident occurred the situation could be reviewed. The Council expressed their opinion that preventive rather than retroactive measures were needed. Questions were raised concerning speeding through the village, misuse of the calming zone and the introduction of yellow lines. Mr Butler regarded the problems in Biddestone no worse than other villages used as a ‘rat-run’ and was not able to offer any solutions. The Council has invited him to the Open Meeting, on 31st October, 2006. Tim Smith