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PC Minutes May 07

Notes 30th May 2007
Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council
The May meeting was preceded by an Open Meeting, which included an opportunity for discussion. These notes are a summary of both meetings.

Two new councillors, Rachel de Fossard (elected) and Roger Boor (co-opted), were welcomed. The Chairman thanked the two retiring members, Cllrs Karen Crawford and John Jones for the contributions.

The public toilets in Biddestone were opened for the Spring Bank Holiday Weekend, because of the number of visitors expected to the village. They will also be opened during the last weekend in June for the Fete. The future of the facility has been raised with the new District Council.

Tenders are now being sought to renovate the war memorial. A grant application will be submitted by the end of October deadline for 2007.

It is hoped that police surgeries will be held regularly, at the village hall, starting in July. The council have agreed to fund this activity.

The lack of attention to mending potholes is causing concern, as is possible reductions in the bus service. Dog owners are advised that allowing your dog to foul a public area is now a finable offence.

An appeal has been made against the decision of NWDC not to allow a new entrance into the site. The Council is in agreement with NWDC.

An application to reinstate Chimes Cottage as two units and remove a garage in front of it has been received. The Council are in favour of the building works but are concerned about the adequacy of the parking off a busy and narrow road.

Proposals for a replacement conservatory at 2 Little Challows and a new conservatory at Stable Cottage were both supported (the Chairman declared an interest in the latter proposal).

Alterations to Poultry Farm Cottage, Slaughterford have been approved by NWDC.

Westlea Housing Association held a consultation exercise regarding its plans to build two units off The Tynings. Lack of notification to the Council resulted in poor publicity for this. However, the planning process will give an opportunity for further comment.

Although discussions and planning are at an early stage, the 2026 Core Strategy for Chippenham was discussed, with emphasis on the availability of building land, pressures on the road network and also waste disposal, both increased recycling demands and fly- tipping.
The proposed Unitary Authority for Wiltshire will be discussed at an open meeting in Biddestone Village Hall on Monday 18th June.

Tim Smith