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Parish Council 28th November 2008

Biddestone and Slaughterford Parish Council Notes from the meeting of 25th November 2008

Apologies were received from Cllrs Mullens and Scott (NWDC).
Restoration of the War Memorial was completed for Remembrance Day. The Council expressed their thanks to Mr Rob Fleming, of Corsham, who carried out the restoration work, the War Memorial Trust for contributing half of the total cost and the Royal British Legion for an appeal that raised £1048.80. Mr Andrew Ward took photographs of the restored monument, which have been placed in the Archives of the War Memorial Trust and the Imperial War Museum.

Inputs for planting round the pond have been sources and will be delivered in late January, ready for work in February.

The quote, submitted by Brackstones for renovation of the public toilets has been accepted. Building regulations control only is needed for this and the work will be completed by the 1st April.

The Council have applied to WCC for matched funding to strengthen awareness of speeding through the Biddestone. It is hoped the work will be undertaken early in the 2009/ 2010 financial year. We have also requested changes to the A420 to help traffic leaving the main road at the Biddestone/ Yatton Keynell junction and for a bollard at the Gidea Hall/ Slaughterford turn.

There were no objections to the following planning applications:
On-going work at Orchard House, although it was noted that this was another example of work starting before an application had been received;
Replacement windows at School Cottage, The Green, although the necessity for consultation on a like-for-like exercise such as this has been queried with NWDC;
Felling of a tree at Birds Cottage, Slaughterford.
Applications approved included:
Lateral pruning of a lime tree at The Old Brewery, Slaughterford;
Rebuilding of a chimney stack at Corner House, Biddestone;
A first floor extension at Green Cottage, Biddestone.
Concern regarding planning procedures after the demise of NWDC was expressed and a meeting with Cllr Scott requested.

Maintenance of The Green is to be put out to tender, with a starting date of 1st March 2009. Details will be published in the Broadsheet and Honey comb at the end of January.

A manager for the Biddestone website, a neighbourhood watch coordinator and a Council representative for the Governors of By Brook school are still required.

The next meeting will be on 27th January, 2009.

Tim Smith (01249 714455)