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Welcome to North Wiltshire in the new Wiltshire Community Web.

The Wiltshire Community Web has been set up by the Wiltshire Customer First Partnership, a partnership that brings together all of Wiltshire's major public sector agencies. Funding was secured from County and District Council’s along with the Voluntary and Community Sector through the Governments Change Up Programme. A local voluntary organisation, Community First manage the site on behalf of the partners. The site was developed and is maintained by a local company, Cravenplan Computers Ltd.

The idea is simple - to allow local groups, businesses and individuals the chance to build and maintain websites for free and provide a single place in which a range of community sites can link and be easily found


More Information

For more community information visit Merlin, the Wiltshire Libraries clubs and societies database, at

Merlin contains contact details for over 9,000 Wiltshire organisations from theatre companies to sports clubs, from health support groups to gardening societies.


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